Voici la liste des jeux vidéo autant sur consoles que sur PC qui seront offerts lors de la prochaine semaine. Bon magasinage!
Nintendo Wii U:
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Nintendo 3DS:
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red
PlayStation 4:
- MouseCraft (PSN)
- Another World (PSN)
PlayStation 3:
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red
- Another World (PSN)
- Sacra Terra: Kiss Of Death
- The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5
PS Vita:
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red
- Another World (PSN)
Xbox 360:
- The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5
- Quest For Infamy
- The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5
- Three Dead Zed
- Unturned
- Claire
- Hand of Fate
- Action Henk
- House of 1000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster
- Stained
- The Red Solstice