Voici les principales nouveautés vidéoludiques disponibles sur PC pour la prochaine semaine via le Epic Games Store, Microsoft Games Store et Steam.
- I’m Determined to Make 3A: 01/65 (20 mai)
- AIdventure (20 mai)
- Men of War II (22 mai)
- Magic Patrol Envoy (22 mai)
- Wuthering Waves (22 mai)
- Ships At Sea (23 mai)
- Kubikon 3D (23 mai)
- Protector Goddess Fight (24 mai)
- Djinn – The Forbidden Knowledge (24 mai)
- Valiant Hearts: Coming Home (24 mai)
- Reliefs The Time of the Lemures (25 mai)
- Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (21 mai) – Game Pass
- Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters (21 mai)
- Survive on Raft (22 mai)
- Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (21 mai)
- Paper Trail (21 mai)
- Star Trek: Resurgence (23 mai)
- Tennis Manager 2024 (23 mai)
- Hauntii (23 mai)
- Serum (23 mai)
- Crown Wars: The Black Prince (23 mai)
Liste des jeux à venir:
- https://www.epicgames.com/store/fr/
- https://www.microsoft.com/fr-ca/store/new/games/pc
- https://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&os=win&filter=comingsoon